Boosting Visibility for Bad Credit Car Finance Brokers

Promoting a brokerage that assists those with poor credit requires smart digital marketing to attract the right audience, build credibility and convert enquiries. This guide covers key tactics and channels.

Optimise Your Website

As most prospects will arrive via search engines, ensuring your website is optimised for bad credit customers is crucial. We suggest you visit such a website to use as an example, Carvine is a good one.

  • Empathetic messaging – Use language that reassures those with checkered financial pasts you can still help them get driving.
  • Relevant guides – Publish articles and FAQs addressing key bad credit issues to establish expertise.
  • Prominent calls-to-action – Phone, enquiry forms and application buttons should stand out on every page.
  • Responsiveness – With over 50% of traffic on mobiles, ensure a seamless experience on every device.
  • Fast load times – Optimise page size and hosting to deliver rapid load speeds. Slow sites mean abandonment.
  • Clear navigation – Menus, links and journeys should make delving deeper intuitive for visitors.
  • Testimonials – Displaying video and written customer reviews builds trust.

Your site is the hub underpinning activities driving traffic and conversions. Continually optimise it for higher performance.

Targeted SEO Campaigns

Ranking prominently in organic search for relevant terms will attract motivated prospects already seeking finance. Tactics that help include:

  • Insightful blogs – Publishing guides around subjects like improving credit rating after CCJs assists searchers and brings traffic.
  • Keyword research – Identify the precise terms people use when searching for bad credit finance options to target.
  • Backlink building – Get credible external sites to link back to your content, passing authority.
  • Local SEO – Optimise for searches including local areas like “Liverpool bad credit car leasing” to draw geographical customers.
  • Page speed optimisation – Faster loading pages gain better rankings so performance tune your site.
  • Mobile optimisation – With the majority of searches now on mobiles, seamless mobile experience is mandatory.
  • Schema markup – Use schema to highlight USPs like “95% approval” in search snippet listings.

Work continually on getting your pages ranking highly for priority bad credit finance phrases.

Pay-Per-Click Ads

PPC campaigns allow you to appear prominently in search results and pay only when searchers click through to your site. Use PPC to:

  • Match to buyer keywords – Set tight targeting to display your ads against the most relevant finance-related searches.
  • Optimise for conversions – A/B test different headlines, ad copy and landing pages to achieve higher click-through and enquiry rates.
  • Location targeting – Configuring location settings ensures you show for localised searches like “Liverpool bad credit car leasing”.
  • Remarket – Continue engaging website visitors after they leave by showing ads as they visit other sites.
  • Test platforms – Assess search, social media and display network PPC to see which give the most cost-efficient results.

With PPC, strategic targeting combined with optimisation puts your message in front of motivated searchers.

Harness Social Media

Maintaining an active social media presence positions you in front of the bad credit demographic when they are online:

  • Share educational content – Post regular articles and guides from your blog to build a following and traffic.
  • Respond to comments – Address any user queries or feedback publicly to provide helpful customer service transparently.
  • Refined paid targeting – Use sophisticated demographic targeting to display ads precisely to your audience.
  • Lookalike audiences – Create similar audiences to site visitors for cost-efficient remarketing.
  • Encourage sharing – Interesting or entertaining posts that get shared can spread brand awareness widely.
  • Monitor and manage reviews – Respond promptly and professionally to any negative reviews to resolve issues.

An engaged social media presence complements SEO while making you easily discoverable and approachable.

Offline Marketing Remains Relevant

Though online activity is central, local offline marketing also retains importance:

  • Newspaper/magazine ads – Placement in local publications targets readers in your area seeking finance.
  • Leaflet distribution – Drops through letterboxes in specific postcodes informs households about your services.
  • Radio ads – Well-targeted local radio ads can successfully drive phone enquiries.
  • Branded vehicles – Having finance company branding on cars provides FREE mobile advertising as they move around.
  • Networking events – Attending local business events gets you direct face-to-face contact with potential customers.
  • Dealer partnerships – Co-marketing relationships with local car dealerships can widen reach.

While online pulls most leads, offline activities remain worthwhile, especially when tightly targeted.

Building Trust

A key marketing goal is positioning your brand as trustworthy and reputable. Ways to achieve this include:

  • Service guarantees – Explicit pledges like “We get you driving or your deposit back” convey confidence.
  • Case studies – Profile real customer stories showing how you solved their issues. Bring testimonials alive.
  • Industry awards – Gaining and promoting any awards or ratings endorses your reputation.
  • Transparent fees – Clearly stating all costs and charges upfront signals you have nothing to hide.
  • Prompt enquiry handling – Speedily replying to all web/phone enquiries demonstrates responsive service.
  • Thought leadership content – Establish authority by publishing quality guides and insights around bad credit finance.

Gaining prospect trust and confidence is pivotal to converting more customers. Ensure it underpins all messaging and interactions.

An integrated digital marketing strategy combining optimised inbound and outbound tactics promotes visibility, establishes credibility and drives growth for bad credit finance brokers. Adjust activities based on measured outcomes.

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